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5 Benefits of Expungement

Whether you have been convicted of a misdemeanor or felony offense, a permanent criminal record can make it difficult to move on with your life. That is why it is important to spend time and money to seek record expungement to finally put the past behind you for good.

Expungement is a legal process in which a criminal conviction, charge, or arrest is erased. Once a record is expunged, you can honestly say that he/she has never been arrested, charged, or convicted of a crime.

The following are five benefits of expungement:

  1. Obtain employment – Many employers conduct criminal background checks on potential employees and are often reluctant to hire anyone with a criminal record. If your record is expunged, you can lawfully answer “no” when you’re asked if you’ve been convicted of a crime.
  2. Find a place to live – Landlords, like employers, also conduct background checks on potential tenants. If a potential landlord learns about your criminal record, he/she may either find a more ideal tenant or charge you a higher rent and/or deposit.
  3. Get a loan – Taking out a loan may help you jump start your life after serving your sentence; however, some loan agencies believe those with criminal records will have a hard time paying back their loans. This belief could lead to getting your loan application denied or being subject to high-interest rates.
  4. Apply for college – Even juvenile criminal records can have an adverse effect on higher education endeavors. College administrators typically deny applicants who have been charged or convicted of a crime as a child or an adult. Having a criminal record expunged may prevent universities from knowing your criminal past.
  5. Peace of mind – Lastly, knowing that you don’t have a record following you everywhere you go is liberating. You can finally live your life just like a normal citizen.

If you are interested in getting your record expunged in Riverside, contact Blumenthal & Moore today!

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